2017. október 8., vasárnap

I will bring strangers against you

„I will bring strangers against you …” (Iz28,7)
Paris, London, Berlin, Brussels, Barcelona, then London again, and so on! The line is incomplete but you can type the keyword „terrorism” and you can get a full list on the net. Why has this happened to us?
There are many explanations day by day, but The Bible the basic literature of the European culture gives an exhaustive answer. The almost every day terrorism with the migratory pressure is an urgent warning for Europe (and of course U.S. and Canada). Instead of the faith in God are indulged in the pseudo-humanism of the liberal theory. This is why the warning! What is the pseudo-humanism? This is only humanism without morality. The Man created for himself a new idol in the 20.century called Liberalism.  
The invasion of massive masses and the increasingly cruel murders reminds us in a way of the history of Old Testament which was written for the whole Mankind to teach us as an eternal reminder.  What is the story about? What happens if the people fall into idolatry?
Whenever the „chosen people” moved away from God and his laws about idolatry, they fell into the pit of moral crisis and this time the prophets always said: „Turn away from your sins!” If they continued their guilty life they suffered from foreign violent nations and invasion of cruel people. The prophets predicted the message from God: „I will bring strangers against you, the most terrible of nations: they shall draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom (E., 28, 7). Elsewhere:„For I am rousing the Chaldeans, that fierce and impetuous nations, who march through the breadth of the earth to seize dwelling not their own. (Hab,1, 6)
The message of migration invasion and „Killers behind the altar” is a very clear symbol. (the killing of French Christian priest 2016. 07.16.) This was the biggest warning for Europe. It means that killers take over your place, destroy and defile your altars if you do not come back to God and his laws.
Today everywhere there is an open opposition to God and his laws. The liberal pseudo- humanism kills the life we have received from God. Man has no right to kill the life by abortion, euthanasia, and by „culture without child”. The Man has no right to defile the marriage by „plural forms of coexistence (it means libertinism) and homosexual marriage. Man has no right to destroy nature by inventions and money. „They did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools…”(Rom1, 21,22)
People desecrates not only nature but their own body as well. The libertine lifestyle the bodybuilding cult, skin tattooed and solarium skin, more and more enjoyment and entertainment are the so-called „values” of today’s Man. „You do not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?”- asked S. Paul in the Gospel. The relationship between sin and illness is clear in the Bible. When Jesus cured he also redeemed the sins and said: „Do not sin anymore!”The pharmaceutical industry has become the largest business because people are eager to get pills and do not seek the cause of the illness. At this stage of moral crisis after climate change, natural disasters, the migrant invasion has emerged and also the increasingly frequent terrorism. We can not stop it with external protection only, we need internal protection as well.
The punishment of „I will bring strangers against you” always happened due to the idolatry worship of „foreign gods” which caused finally the moral crisis. Modern idol worship is the body cult, the sex cult, the money cult, the stars cult, not to mention religious relativism. All people adore the same God, all roads lead to the same place, and all religions are equal. This is the ideology of liberalism and postmodernism. In the light of the Bible this idea of course is a lie, moreover it means the sin of „worship of other gods”. This idea hiding in the jacket of pseudo- humanism seems to characterize Europe and of course U.S. and Canada.
Today the situation is very much the same as it was in ancient times. „Is full of the country with predictors and fortune tellers”- as the prophet said. Otherwise beside esotery the ideas of Eastern gods („foreign gods”) have also made their way into sciences, which has caused conceptual confusion. Today e.g. those who have dealt with occult things (shamans, predictors, seeing the dead) are called as different types of the „mediator specialists”, „communicational specialists” or types of the Saint by ethnography and the religion science. The researchers of religion science created the idea of „sacred dialectics” where the religions of archaic age and the historical Christianity are equal. The „foreign gods” the so-called „idol gods” and God are equal. The main parts of psychology contain the Eastern doctrines of self salvation by „foreign gods” and using their technique as meditation and yoga which they intend to bring into schools as well.
The Oriental Doctrines got into philosophy from the 19th century by Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. This tendency was continued at the beginning of the 20th century by C. G. Jung in psychology and Mircea Eliade in the religion science and later on by Jan Assmann in Egyptology and so on.  It was this pathway which was followed by 20th century philosophy, so finally the postmodern idea and neo-liberalism has emerged, which was based on Eastern value relativism. The postmodern and liberal ideology rejects the „and” culture of Bible which says there is difference between „good” and „bad”, „real” and „false”. (God is holy and only good in the Jewish-Christian faith.) Instead the
The original message was: „I will give Egypt into the hand of a cure master.” Well, we are Egypt now. The aim of the researchers is now „to give back dignity of Egypt” because in their opinion the Bible gave an unfairly negative judgment of Egypt. („Egypt and Babylon is the name of the sin” Rev.)Today the occult books of the Egypt religion have become „great wisdom” and books of all „other gods” in the world. After all this Man’s own created religion grew, the big idol, the postmodernism and liberalism. Why are we wondering after all the invasion and violence of the foreign nations, what we call crisis of migration? 
The Lord’s anger is manifested by invading Egypt by the Assyrians to. „He will raise a signal for a nation far away, and whistle for a people at the ends of the earth: here they come, swiftly, speedily!”(Is5,26). It is well known in the Bible that the murderers who entered the country are also punished. („because of human bloodshed and violence to the earth, the cities and all who live in them”(Hab2,17) The terrorists are in the misconception that the human sacrifice given to Allah sends them to heaven. „You sacrificed to the Satan not God”- says the prophet.
The sin of hatred and murder as we know belong to Hell. Love, charity and justice belong to God. It is not God who does the evil in the world, he just only allows Satan to do so. Love of God and hatred of Satan stands against each other in case of the terrorist attacks.
The export of American liberal democracy to Arabic countries, called the Arabic spring, was the beginning of terrorism. The U.S. got away from Protestant ethics a long time ago, in which its foundations rooted at the very beginning.
Today the U.S. like Europe idolater has been trapped in the liberal pseudo – humanism, which actually means tolerance without morality. We hope Trump will stop it. There are only two countries in Europe which defy this idea, Hungary and Poland. But we suppose that due to the pressure caused by migrant invasion and terrorism more and more countries will return to Christian origins and Christian values. We can stop the invasion and violence only with internal protection force and then external protection will become more efficient. The internal protection forces imply the return to the faith in Christian morality, and God. 

The fate of Europe is at present: „I will strangers against you…” But do not forget about, 9/11 neither. We are also responsible how history will continue.
„O my God, to save me: O Lord, come quickly to help me”(Psalm70, 1).

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